Sunday, January 25, 2015

Ack played in the Senior Men bonspiel over the weekend, with Richard Berling, Ken Spatola and Kevin Teschendorf. I forgot to get a picture of the team, but we did make it to the finals of the 2nd event (lost to the team that won it all last year).  It was fun!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

January 18, 2015

Anne helped with the 5 and under bonspiel at the curling club. When home we did a little hike around the lake (some spots very soggy as temperature was around 40F), then champagne (part of my Christmas gift) and a sunset. The Thienot bottle of champagne was the best of the three so far. The Packers lost to the Seahawks and Ack blames the coaching for playing conservatively with 5 minutes to go!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

This was one of my Christmas gifts from Anne, wonderful champagne deliveries - this is the first three bottles, with one consumed.

Friday, January 9, 2015


Just for the heck of it, here are some photos from Vedauwoo, a magical place just outside Laramie. We visited there in November with Erin and Al, about 25 years after the last time I'd been there with my two very little girls. Just as amazing as I'd remembered.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

With little precipitation in December (less than .1 inches) and the cold weather the frozen lack is nice and smooth. Two photos showing this from today - January 1, one of Anne flying her kite on Lake Kegonsa and the second is dirt blowing over the river ice in front of our house.