Friday, August 27, 2010

Back in DC

Here is Anne on the Millennium Theatre stage at the Kennedy Center introducing Wisconsin Polka Music! You can watch a video of her introduction and the music of Steve Meisner and Friends in the Kennedy Center Archives. She also introduced him at a performance at the Library of Congress.

Anne also got to fly her kite next to the Washington Monument. And we both visited with Alana before she heads out to California with Mia and then returning to New Orleans area.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Back in DC

We are back in DC, Anne and Ack on separate job related activities, and while back we got to visit with Alana (sorry it is on its side).

Celebrating 30

Ack and Anne had a great time celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary, first in Milwaukee over the weekend and then back home with a delicious party on a perfect night with lots of good friends.  Wish you could have all been with us too!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sunning Time

I've seen fewer than usual turtles this season wandering the roads.  Early spring I'm on the lookout for mamas searching for places to bury their eggs.  Later I look for hatchlings walking back from the nest to the water. We had one mama visit our yard in the spring and I escorted a baby across Westport Road several weeks after that. That's lower numbers than usual but I'm trusting that they're just staying off the roads this year, not that their overall numbers are down.

Today's sighting was of an adolescent sunning on a rock along our shoreline.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Delicious B-day

Happy memories, some left over pie and a new driver's license are what's left of my b-day. Mimi and Poppy are on their way back to NY and Ack and I leave for the WTLC cultural tour in about an hour.  Lots to do between now and then but couldn't resist posting this beautiful pie photo first - what Ack made for the b-day dinner last night. (I always choose pie over cake!)