Sunday, December 30, 2012

Gingerbread, Hobbit-style

Here's this year's batch of LOTR-inspired gingerbread; we left architecture behind and tried figures instead.  MUCH easier, though with fewer stories to tell. Made by Erin, Anne and Al, respectively. (Alana left for a wedding in Chicago before we got to it, and Ack was felled by pink eye.) Our Fellowship was battered but prevailed!

A hobbit, Lady Galadriel and a one-armed uruk-hai (a type of orc).

Gandalf, with hat and staff
Sideview - so you can see the deadly lance

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Almost Solstice

9am - just the start of the blizzard
Signs of the season at our house, outside and in...
One Favorite Tree

Our Other Favorite Tree

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Where are we?

Anne and I were in San Fran for the weekend. Intent was to go mushroom hunting but rainy weather prevented that. So, we toured around and relaxed. He is a satellite image of where we were (look for the blue dot) taken from the SSEC/CIMSS SatCam iPhone App. Anne returned to Madison but Ack remains out here for a conference.