Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So, how did I spend my birthday? I went fishing for 54 minutes, and caught 0 X 54 fish. Anne made a wonderful breakfast and then I worked on a retaining wall near our driveway (adding 54 stones). That was fun, not work. I went briefly to work to give a presentation on a NOAA telecon - that was work. We went and got panniers for my bike and a shirt from REI. We then saw the movie, "Journey to the Center of the Earth - 3D", which was pretty cool in 3-D (don't bother with the 2-D version). Did some more fishing near sunset with the same result as the morning. Watched fire-flies (see movie below) and a DVD: The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters, which was an interesting documentary.

1 comment:

MkA said...

Needs LOUD music