Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tour de Cure...

Erin and Anne went on the Tour de Cure today - 25 km. They joined Team Diabetes Derailleurs, along with Melissa from Folklore Village. Ack rode along with them but never registered. It was a nice ride as the morning was cool and a bit cloudy, though the ride back to the starting line did get a bit windy. Next we are off to the Burgers and Beer fund raiser at the Capitol Brewery.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Erin Visits!

Erin is up visiting from Indiana for a week. Here we are putting together a 'stepping stone'.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

PJ Party

Anne and Ack are back in DC. Anne visiting and Ack a meeting with the UCAR board of trustees. Alana crashed the hotel for a PJ party!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Birthday, Erin!!

Happy Birthday, Erin!

We love you, then and now!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Margaret's Fund recipient

After Margaret Ackerman passed away, Anne initiated Margaret's Fund in her honor. The scholarship focuses on giving a financial award to someone from the Northside of Madison who is attending college for the first time or as a returning adult. In this photo are Dana, Tara Hoffman (the first ever recipient), Anne and Alysa at the Northside Farmer's Market where the award was given out. Dana and Alyssa are other scholarship organizers too.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

May 8th!

May 8th is the day Anne fell in love with Ack - 33 years ago! We celebrated by going to Milwaukee and flying a kite. It was "Kite Day" in Oneonta back on May 8, 1976. We also stopped at the (the National Bakery and Deli for bread and sandwiches for a picnic in one of Milwaukee's many parks. For dessert it was Italian cookies from Canfora Bakery. We also saw the senior show at the Milwaukee Institute for Art and Design. We visited the Lakefront Brewery for a tour of the facilities by the President. We ended the day with dinner at Lee's and Cindy. Lee had an interior designer come in and paint the interior in wild colors and designs.  It was very visual, something we`ve considered for our white interior walls.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Spring Time!

Spring time has arrived in Madison. So has fishing. So, from our front yard its 4 large mouth bass, one Northern (a couple of more were on the line before I switched to wire leaders) and 2 too many Carp. And of course the underwater log that the bass hang out has three of my lures.