Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thanks, Pat!

My quarter collection has taken the final great leap forward, thanks to Pat Maley, an English Department buddy of Erin's at IU. Thanks to Pat, who kindly mailed it to me, I now have the second Hawaii quarter I needed. Now my basic 50-state collection is done. Woo hoo!!

But...DC was just issued a coin (Duke Ellington on it) so now I need those.

Thanks to other folks who helped a lot too over the years, mainly Ack and Poppy. And Danny, who looked through a huge pile of coins last Christmas, Ack reports.

During these past few years of collecting the states' quarters, we've discovered many people who had no idea about the two mintmarks you find on the quarter's face. Look below the "In God We Trust" and you'll find a P (Philadelphia) or D (Denver), indicating which mint made it.

Al asked the question, "What's your favorite quarter design?" For me, it's definitely NOT Wisconsin's (pictured above). What's yours?

1 comment:

Ack & Anne said...

My favorite are those I can use in a candy machine...