Monday, February 21, 2011

Wisconsin Says 'No!'

I've uploaded a set of photos from Friday's protest at the Wisconsin State Capitol. We're making a loud statement in favor of workers' rights -- refusing to quietly acquiesce to the conservative take over of our state.  Come join us!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Satellites See Wisconsin

Ack & Sam Batzli
Ack and fellow scientists worked with artists from Tandem Press to create an exhibit that will be in the Dane County Regional Airport until September. It features beautiful images of many different parts of Wisconsin taken by satellites that the SSEC scientists work with. Here we are at the opening reception.
Anne & Hank Revercomb

Monday & Tuesday: cherry cabinets!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our World Today

Inside, this is what our kitchen looks like today. There's a strong odor of wet plaster throughout the house that goes along with it.  So, the dry wall is up - next is subfloor prep.
Outside, Ack is starting on his second hour of clearing snow after our blizzard.  

Here's what the drift outside our front door looked like this morning.

We're both working from home, the state 'closed to the public' today. Ack thinks they're all Wisconsin wimps - that UW classes should go on no matter what the weather. Me, I'm not complaining that I'm supposed to stay home. Very happy to oblige!