Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sunset on the lake

Margaret and Meg left their boat at our dock, so Anne and I took it out to have dinner on the lake and watch the sun set.


Here are three highlights from my recent trip to Chattanooga, TN:
*Dolly Parton belatedly receiving her 2005 National Medal of Arts,
*staying in the Chattanooga ChooChoo and living with that song in my head for a week,
*and, (not pictured) going to the Friday night Opry up on Signal Mountain.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


A fun weekend. We went for a few hikes on Saturday. Short hikes at a few different places, including along this farmland border. We saw a few creatures this weekend, as the earlier post notes.

I also started to catch fish again - a large mouth bass off the shoreline (picture), a yellow bass from the row boat, and my first pike off the dock. All on the same lure that I got with Andy up around Lake Superior. The only bad news is that I seem to be losing to Mike in Fantasy Football!

Our Neighbors

This morning while sitting on the couch drinking his first cup of coffee, Ack spied our local mink running along the rocks on the shoreline. We didn't get a photo of it but here's another neighbor, a woodchuck that took a break from its travels on our garden stone last week. (The image is a bit unclear because I was shooting through window glass.)

Saturday, September 20, 2008


I went rowing this morning in the fog. At this time of year, the fog comes in off the marsh as the cool air flows onto the lake. I took along the fishing rod but no luck there. I was lucky to be notified that I am the recipient of the American Meteorological Society's 2009 Teaching Excellence Award. I was unaware of the nomination so it came as a big surprise.

Anne and I are both back in Madison. I left Long Island after Adrianne, Mike, Mom and Dad dropped me off at the train station.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Eileen!

My 'baby' sister turns 50 today. Everyone who reads this - send a bouquet of good wishes to Eileen for a wonderful year.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Shelter Island

Hanging here with Alana on Shelter Island. We did some biking on some old bikes and make the morning trek to the hospital by the bay. Sunday was spent watching Favre, I mean Jets, win. I lost in Fantasy Football and Alana won! Mike arrives today - beer is in the frig.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Madison Ironman

This morning I watched 2,100 triathletes from 49 states and 18 countries begin their very long day. This is the 7th Ironman in Madison; I've seen the running and cycling before; this was my first time for the swimming. The air was 55 degrees at 7 am; it was chilly standing on the balcony of my office building overlooking the lake. The route: a double loop of 2.4 miles in Lake Monona (where we do the final segment of Paddle and Portage), 112 miles biking through Dane County, ending with a full running marathon (26.2 miles) through the city. The finish line is by the capitol many many hours from now.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Ack in NY

Ack is visiting NY for a couple of days, and Anne is now out of NY. Alana is coming up from DC, arriving on the 56 anniversary of Art and Lil. The photo of Mom is at the parking lot of the hospital, which is right on the water. Andy and Marianne were not so cooperative with the photo taking.